Aligning with your vision and taking brave action towards it on a regular basis is the 🔑 to living a life that sets your soul on fire and is filled with purpose.
Who else is ready to own the last half of 2022 as our most magnetic six months yet!? (PS: you can align with your vision any day, any week, any month of the year – it doesn’t have to be exclusive to the New Year or halfway through it).
Here are my 3 steps to align with your true desires & vision using The Year That Dreams Built Method.
Before you create your vision, it is important to GET CLEAR on how you want to feel. Then ask yourself, what it is you really desire if you’re truly being honest. Dream big…in fact, I invite you to dream bigger than you think you should. Nothing is off-limits, everything is possible. To find this clarity, start by asking yourself: in an ideal world, what would my life look like? Get as specific as possible! My free resource Your Day Well Lived will help you find this clarity if you’re feeling stuck.
What do you really believe is possible for you? Recognize your subconscious may be holding you back from what you really want, and create a daily practice to reprogram those thoughts so you can expand into what’s really possible. To begin, start a note on your phone that you add to anytime you have a limiting thought or belief that tells you the life you dream of isn’t possible. Then, add a more supportive, alternative belief next to it.
The more you see your dreams and hold your vision in mind, the greater the impact on your subconscious mind. Placing your vision board & goals in areas where you see them often will help you continually align with what it is you want to manifest. This works as it imprints into your reticular activating system the future you desire, allowing your subconscious to seek solutions to get you there faster. The mind is magic, isn’t it?!
If you want to take it a step further, join me in my Vision Creation On-Demand Workshop where I will be walking you through The Year That Dreams Built method to craft and bring to life your unique, beautiful, and meaningful vision for the months ahead.