Soooo…you have a vision, and might be wondering…now what?!
One of the key elements of your vision board practice includes taking aligned action and developing habits that draw your dream life towards you.
Taking action towards your dream life is more effective when you take small, daily steps that over time become who you are. Keep reading for my top 3 tips on ways to turn your vision into actionable habits!
After you have created your vision with The Year That Dreams Built Vision Kits, it’s so important to take action towards those goals. Your vision loves to meet you where you’re at–with every step towards it you take–it also takes one step towards you! Use a planner to schedule brave, aligned actions at your peak energy time of day.
One of the most powerful ways to manifest your vision is to find ways to live that desired future reality, NOW. How I like to do this is by creating a bliss list. You might be wondering, ‘Sandra, what is a bliss list?!’ Your bliss list is a curated menu of items that make you feel in your highest, most expansive energy. Once you have created your list, plan moments of bliss in each day that allow you to “step-into-your-vision.” If you need help creating your bliss list, I recommend getting started first with clarity on what your ideal day looks like using the free Day Well Lived template.
Journaling and sharing gratitude of “Imagine That” moments, even the smallest moment of synchronicity, serendipity, or anything that gives you goosebumps is a moment to practice paying attention to. This practice allow you to see all the ways you are already living in a way that fills you up, and magnetizes more of these moments to you.
Head over to the Smart Cookies instagram @smartcookiescollective for weekly inspiration and expansion.